Monday, September 14, 2009

Shots, Shots, More Shots

So, I was back at the Allergy office for my shots today. I have been getting them twice a week since late April. The crazy thing is that you have to pay for parking at my doc’s office and they do not validate. So for the 10 minutes it takes me to get my shot it cost $2.50, which isn’t much but can add up when you visit twice a week. So just because my husband and I don’t like the system (not about the money so much), he usually drops me off and then waits in a nearby parking lot until I am done.

The doc said the shots will help build up my immune system. Basically my body is attacking itself and I did react positively to a few allergens. So anytime I come in contact with allergens, my immune system basically explodes in the form of hives. One of those allergens is wheat, so I have been staying away from it. Yes, I do dream about pizza. I am glad I went to Chicago last summer before all of this…since I had the best pizza of my life at Gino’s pizza. If you haven’t been there, you seriously need to go even if it is just for the pizza. Chicago is a great city though, one of my favorite. It is amazing how many foods have wheat flour in them: cakes, cookies, crackers, bread, soup even, pasta….the list goes on. Good thing I really love corn…Mexican is my favorite and that I can eat.

Today was a great day despite a few more hives on my body. I was still elated that the Seahawks crushed the Rams yesterday 28-0!! Yay! I will leave you with some comic relief.

Stay Tuned,

Playa Girl

Quote from NBC’s The Office,

“I’m an early bird and I’m a night owl, so I’m wise and have worms.” Michael Scott in Office Olympics  :)

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