Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fainting in Vegas

Okay, so for you girls that were there with me in Vegas..I know you were waiting for this post. Also, I love you and thank you for taking care of me!
Over Memorial Day weekend a group of girls and I took a road trip to Vegas in celebration of a friend's 30th birthday. So we were shopping..yes shopping when I gracefully fell to the floor outside the shops at Mandalay Bay.  Thankfully, it happened right in front of where they film "Top Chef" apparently, there would have been no way of knowing that except for the fact that the show's medic came rushing to my side.  I was completely unconscious for a few seconds when I was awoken to a man with a studio headset on asking me "How many fingers am I holding up?"  At that moment, all I knew was I hit the floor in front of several people and I was wearing a skirt.  I see guys with headsets scrambling around talking about some television show and I am thinking, are they filming me, how horrible, what is going on?    They start asking me a bunch of questions and thankfully I am answering them all correct.  
Next, I was taken in an ambulance to a nearby hospital hooked up to all kinds of monitors and told to eat tubes of glucose because my sugar levels were super low.  Talk about drama in Vegas. 
In the hospital, one of my friends was allowed to come back and low and behold the doctor and her knew each other.  She used to date his brother and there families were pretty close friends. What are the odds of that? That made me feel pretty certain that I was in the right place. We then tried to set him and my other friend up. They exchanged numbers, nothing ever came of it, but they are both still single so you never know. 
It turned out that I had dehydration. Looking back, I remember being especially thirsty that entire day. I had drank some water, but had also drank an americano, diet Red Bull, passion tea, diet pepsi and I was in the desert..so that was way too much caffeine for my body. At least that is one idea, but it could have also been an allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock. 

Anaphylactic shock, is also known as anaphylaxis, it is a severe, life-threatening reaction to certain allergens.  Anaphylactic shock is also characterized by a sudden drop in blood pressure (which did occur with me, every time I stood up, my blood pressure dropped dramatically. These are the most common symptoms for anaphylactic shock. However, everyone is not the same and may experience symptoms differently. Other symptoms may include:
  • itching and hives over most of the body
  • swelling of the throat and tongue
  • difficulty in breathing
  • dizziness
  • headache
  • stomach cramps, nausea, or diarrhea
  • shock
  • loss of consciousness
Anaphylactic shock can be caused by an allergic reaction to a drug, food, serum, insect venom, allergen extract, or chemical. So, I don't know for sure. There were plenty of factors that could have contributed to my incident. 
I did feel better the next day, which was the actual birthday of my friend. We were able to hang by the pool, do some more shopping and of course my favorite thing, dancing! 
Two weeks later, The Hangover, came out (great movie, I have never laughed so hard since Dumb and dumber).  My friends and I laughed when Phil Wenneck (Bradley Cooper) woke up to find a hospital bracelet on his wrist. Yes, that was me. 

Stay Tuned, 

Playa Girl

"Vegas means comedy, tragedy, happiness and sadness all at the same time."
Artie Lange

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